Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Randomly Dial a Soul Mate

Wanna meet that special someone? Then grab your cell phone and start randomly dialing numbers. Your soul mate could be just a phone call away.

Sound far fetched? Think again. This very thing actually happened to a couple in London.

After chuckling a little bit, I realized that the odds of finding love through random dialing are no different than more traditional methods. Think about it.

  • Do your odds actually improve after a few drinks? They might, depending on what you look like.
  • Can you really trust your friends to set you up on a blind date? Hmmmmm.
  • Want to make enemies at work? Date a co-worker.
  • You can rely on those inflated profiles and fake pictures found on click-a-mate online services, right?
Finding your mate often seems like a random and magical act. Some call it destiny.

How many couples do you know who have an “odd” meeting story? I don’t know many who don’t.

I think that those odd stories are what a blossoming relationship needs because it gives the couple a very special memory to share. After all, how exciting can it be to tell your friends that you married your cubicle neighbor?

Duh! Boring!

After all, are the odds of randomly dialing an axe murdering psychopath any greater than meeting that person in some other way?

Go ahead, give it a try. That’s what those unlimited weekend minutes are for.

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