Tuesday, April 03, 2007

Professional Text Messaging

Calling all uber-geeks!

The world’s first text messaging competition will be held in Los Angeles this coming Saturday.

According to a recent Reuters’ story, “Players will compete in groups to see who can text set phrases quickest and without errors, with the winner getting a $10,000 prize and advancement to the finals in New York City on April 21.”

Once again parents have been proven wrong. Teenage text messaging addicts can now get paid to get their frenzied digital fix.

Can an ESPN competition be on the horizon? Stuart Scott has definitely got the lingo and the flair for it.

Perhaps I will ask my kids for text messaging lessons so that I can earn some money on the side in order to buy the latest speed-text-messaging gear.

Instead of watching television or playing video games, my family can spend our quality time texting each other in order to build our speed and endurance.

Maybe one of us will even become a Professional Text Messager, or as any true uber-geek would call us, a PTM.

Apparently, anything is possible.

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