Friday, January 05, 2007

Fractals Show Math is Beautiful

Math is art, or so some people say. Personally, I'd rather put pen to paper than solve for the elusive x.

However, even algebraphobics like myself can appreciate the breathtaking beauty of the images that can be created using the mathematical functions provided by a free fractal generator such as Apophysis.

Fractals are images that are created using various mathematical coordinates and formulas. Although it takes quite a bit of practice to design gorgeous fractals such as those found in this TechRepublic gallery, just about anyone can learn how to create their own beautiful fractal images.

Artists looking to expand their repertoire and uber-geeks with no artistic ability will all appreciate the relative ease with which you can create amazing images that can be used in a variety of ways.

I use fractals on my computer desktop, but have been tempted to print and frame some of the ones that I've seen or created. They are that good, in my humble opinion.

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