Monday, December 04, 2006

Snow Robot

This weekend folks in the Midwest received our first measurable snowfall of the season. In Milwaukee we have about 10 inches on the ground, which has brought back memories of when I was younger and we actually had this much snow on a regular basis.

For some reason, my ancient relic decided to take the day off after teasing me a few weeks earlier when it's throaty roar filled my garage. After reliving my youth by wielding a shovel to clear my 160 feet of sidewalk, I began to wonder if there was an easier way to get rid of the snow.

I've been looking at robot vacuum cleaners recently, and while I sat on my couch waiting for the Advil to kick in I started wondering if someone had engineered a robotic snow blower. I Googled a number of search terms, but couldn't find anything resembling a robotic snow removal machine.

Starting at just $149, The iRobot corporation has designed an impressive collection of home and industrial robots that clean carpets and floors. Helpful, but not exactly what I had in mind.

Insipired by visions of R2-D2 and Rosey on the Jetsons, I began wondering why nobody has attempted to design a robotic snow removal device. Certain issues such as temperature, water, and traction crossed my mind, but none of these obstacles seemed to be difficult to overcome.

While I may be in the minority at this point, I'm hoping that others may begin talking about a snow removal robot. I'm sure that this type of device will be readily accepted in most areas where regular snowfall is possible.

I would be willing to pony up a few hundred of my hard earned dollars for one if it would prevent snow shoveling flashbacks from becoming recent memories once again.


Anonymous said...

Yuki-taro autonomous snowplow robot ::: Pink Tentacle
Robotic Snow Removal. 2007.02.10 ::: 1:47 am. […] Snow shoveling is very overrated. It’s labor intensive and it forces you to go out into cold when you ... - 43k -

Anonymous said...

iRobot has a few models that look like they could handle a plow attachment. The Japanese robot mentioned earlier is interesting but you then have to pick up all the cubes. Toronto used a "fire breathing dragon" at one time to pick up the snow, melt it and dump it in the storm drains. I bet some of the robowar machines would do a number on a snow bank.

Anonymous said...

Here are some Snow Robot links.

Anonymous said...

Your blog keeps getting better and better! Your older articles are not as good as newer ones you have a lot more creativity and originality now keep it up!