Red Monday
Is there a better way to work off the Thanksgiving binge than by purging your pocketbook in a cafeine induced shopping frenzy? It appears there is.
For those of you who haven't heard of this new retail savior, Cyber Monday is the first Monday after the Thanksgiving holiday weekend when employees return to work and their employer's high-speed Internet connections.
On that magical shopping day, retailers will be offering discounts and sales on their Web sites that eclipse even those unbeatable deals that consumers gobble up on Black Friday. It's a virtual shoppers paradise.
While shoppers are filling up their virtual shopping cart, employers are wringing their hands and delcaring the day Red Monday.
Although Red Monday lacks the sheer exhilaration of running from store to store on Black Friday, avoiding the company proxy server and other corporate shackles can provide a small surge of adrenaline for even the most addicted work-surfer.
Despite their productivity losses, employers should take heart because Red Monday will provide them with the most motivated staff they will ever have.