The Evolution of the Uber-geek
In just three generations we have seen the world go from analog to digital as the uber-geek species has evolved. By Darwinian standards, the evolution of the uber-geek has been rapid.
One indication that you are in the presence of a member of this new species is their compulsive need to sport the latest technology in visible locations on their body.
One has to wonder if this is an inbred trait of the species to determine the alpha uber-geek. Examining the evolotion of the uber-geek species will show us how the alpha uber-geek asserts their superiority.
Late in the twentieth century man invented the pager. All of the uber-geeks had one, and if you didn't you just weren't hip. It's amazing how much envy a small vibrating black box can generate. At this point in time, however, the alpha uber-geek was difficult to find.
Soon after came the portable phone. When you could find a signal, which was difficult in those days, you instantly became the alpha uber-geek as you carried on a conversation using the bulky walkie-talkie size device while walking through the mall.
Next came the Batman belt that let uber-geeks show off their pager, cell phone, PDA, and other assorted gadgets. Although rare these days, with a little patience you can still have an occasional sighting. Whenever I see one I wonder if the wannabe super hero is trying to compensate for his failure at becoming the alpha uber-geek.
Thank goodness for convergence. Those with several devices pulling their pants down are now considered dinosaurs. Today's uber-geeks are all about one tiny device that does it all. Size does matter, it seems, especially those who want to be the alpha uber-geek.
The latest fad for the alpha uber-geek wannabe appears to be wearing clunky wireless earpieces for the cell phone. There is little doubt that they are handy, but they remind me of an episode of Star Trek that I've been trying to forget for most of my adult life.
Since size is apparently such an issue these days, I'm surprised that the earpieces are so large. Perhaps uber-geeks need big things that they can show off if the actual tool is a tiny device that's hidden in their pocket.
The evolution of the uber-geek has been enjoyable to watch. Their need for the latest technology has driven the industry to new heights as uber-geeks clambered for more advanced technology in their pursuit of becoming the alpha uber-geek.
Unfortunately, this has led to a plethora of wannabe alpha uber-geeks who have adopted the show-off-your-technology trait. But, true to form, the true alpha uber-geek has evolved and become a more covert member of the species.
Nowadays, the true alpha uber-geek has the self-confidence to keep their technology under wraps until it's time to whip it out and show off their skills. With advanced knowledge arcane features of every technological device known to man, the alpha uber-geek quickly asserts their superiority and everyone in the area knows that they are in the presence of a superior being.